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New Member Approval

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  1. Check the table on the Admin Functions page for pending applications
  2. Go to Moderator Menu and click on Member Status / Approve Applicants.
  3. Once in the Users Listing in the administration area, check these statuses:
    1. Affiliate Applicants, Certified Inspector Applications, Inspector Applications or Associate Applicant status.



Also, check for an Unconfirmed Email address. These may be applications where the user has not confirmed their email address possible in a spam folder. You can contact them by clicking on the “show” meta link to find their phone number for you to contact.



  1. Confirm their ASHI MEMBERSHIP NUMBERS …. Follow the normal process for approving a new member including verification with ASHI National. NOTE: Be sure to send the proper Discount Code if the applicant has applied after March for the 6 month discount and June for the 3-month discount. See discount coupon instructions below.  These codes need to be manually emailed to the user to be used on their Membership Dues form.
  2. If approved do the following to move the applicant to the Not in Good Standing (NIGS) associated with the membership type they applied for. (They will automatically be moved to the active status upon their payment of dues on the website)
  3. To move an application to the appropriate NIGS status do the following
  4. Edit the user 


  1. Select the appropriate NIGS type don’t forget to unselect the applicant type. 


  1. NOTE: if the application was for an Affiliate please note to change the ASHI ID number to “AFFIL”.
  2. Scroll Down and click on Update User.