Member Logo Download and Logo Use Policy
Show realtors and home buyers you are a member of the St. Louis Chapter of ASHI. Plus help promote the St. Louis ASHI by adding the St. Louis ASHI member logo to your website. You will help improve both the chapters website and your websites ranking on search engines.
Please read the logo terms of use policy by using the logo you agree to accept the terms of use.
St. Louis Chapter Member Logo Use Policy
- Members dues must be paid in full and current for each calendar year of their membership.
- Members shall use official STL ASHI Member Logo that STL ASHI only provides.
- Members must describe themselves as an "Member of the St. Louis Chapter of ASHI" only in relation to the use of the member logo on their webs sites, literature, and business cards.
- The STL ASHI board of directors can revoke the use of STL ASHI Logo for any cause at any time. If logo use is revoked for any reason, the member shall delete STL ASHI Member logo from all literature, handouts, business cards, or web sites immediately.
The following is the official member logo and links you can add to your business website to help us promote St.Louis ASHI:
Embed This Image On Your Site (copy and paste the code below into your website):
Embed This Image On Your Site (copy and paste the code below into your website):
Embed This Image On Your Site (copy and paste the code below into your website):