Affiliate Terms & Conditions:
- We understand that Affiliate membership is granted to organizations that meet the Affiliate membership criteria and does not imply endorsement of St. Louis ASHI.
- We understand that as an Affiliate, we are permitted to identify our Affiliate membership on stationary, business cards, curriculum vitae, web site, email or other promotional materials. Further, an official Affiliate logo will be provided for use at your request.
- We understand that the Affiliate logo and statement of Affiliate member status with St. Louis ASHI shall not be used in any way as to imply endorsement of the firm, organization or individual who has been granted Affiliate status.
- We understand that the St. Louis ASHI Affiliate logo may not be placed on any certificates produced by a training school or academy which may be provided to a student or graduate as this may imply that the student is an “St. Louis ASHI Affiliate”. Care should be taken to ensure the integrity of the St. Louis ASHI Affiliate logo and to avoid any presentation which may mislead others as to who is a true Affiliate.
- We understand that as an Affiliate, we will benefit from access to ASHI St. Louis’s educational programs and materials, along with other programs and services as approved and offered by St. Louis ASHI.
- We understand that Affiliate membership status was created for firms, organizations and individuals providing products and/or services to home inspectors and to the home inspection profession.
- We understand that St. Louis ASHI reserves the right at St. Louis ASHI’s sole discretion to terminate and revoke an Affiliate Membership for any reason at any time.
- We understand that St. Louis ASHI reserves the right at St. Louis ASHI’s sole discretion to not renew an Affiliate Membership for any reason.
- We have read, fully agree to, and understand all statements and terms and conditions. In addition, we hereby release St. Louis ASHI, its officers, directors and employees from any and all liability, losses, and causes of action in connection with or arising from Affiliate Membership status.