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Change the Pay to Mailing Address for Dues Payments

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Change the Pay to Mailing Address for Dues Payments

Dues Payment Pages are four separate page one for each membership category.

Changing the payment mail to address on the following Affiliate Dues, Associate Dues, Certified Inspector Dues, and Inspector Dues is done at one location, not on each page.

For the DUES checkout – the text is at the bottom of each of the specific check out pages:

  1. Go to the WordPress Dashboard
  2. Go to the Plugin Section and select Installed Plugins
  3. Then locate Shortcoder and click on the settings icon.

  1. Next click on the pencil icon to edit the mailing address in the shortcode generator plugin figure.

  1. Edit the address only (figure 1) be careful not to edit anything else or the address will not display correctly. Then click on Save Settings at the bottom of the page (figure 2).

figure 1

figure 2