St. Louis ASHI Printable Home Inspector List (2nd Qtr 2024) ASHI CERTIFIED INSPECTORS (ACI) and INSPECTORSMember List as of 10/13/2024The St. Louis Chapter of AMERICAN SOCIETY of HOME INSPECTORSASHI Certified Inspectors **Individual Profile Listing Request Results Corey Webb Home Plus Inspection Services 6161 Antire Road High Ridge, Missouri 63049 Main Phone: 636-529-8102 Fax Number: E-mail: Website: About me: Additional Ancillary Inspection Services Offered: Radon, Termite, Sewer Camera Lateral, Gas Safety, Septic Back Share by Email Contact St. Louis ASHI Home Inspector Corey Webb NAME (required) EMAIL (required) MOBILE PHONE (required) SUBJECT -- Please Select One --I need to schedule an inspectionPlease contact me with more informationI have a questionGeneral comment or question Would you like to schedule an inspection? (Required choice -->) YesNo How soon do you need an inspection? Address of property to be inspected. Please provide all details listed below ADDRESS LINE #1 ADDRESS LINE #2 CITY state ZIP CODE Certified InspectorsCertified Inspectors ASHI InspectorsUser not foundInspectorsUser not foundInspectorsUser not foundAssociates